Frankie Daly

"Time for Patrick Sarsfield to get the respect he deserves”

A candidate in the upcoming Limerick Mayoral Elections has pledged to bridge the funding gap that will allow for the repatriation of Siege of Limerick hero Patrick Sarsfield. Independent Councillor Frankie Daly says that the Sarsfield Homecoming Project is short €55k to complete its objective, and he will include it in his Mayoral Programme, which will oversee a budget of over €4m for the first year and €8m annually thereafter.

After leading the defence of Limerick against William of Orange in 1690, Patrick Sarsfield was
exiled to France with Jacobite soldiers. He was subsequently wounded in the Battle of Landen and died in the Belgian city of Huy two days later. It is believed that he was buried in a church in the city, and archaeological works began at the site last December and continued up to last month, led by Frank Coyne of Limerick-based Aegis Archaeology Ltd. Once forensic analysis confirms that the remains are indeed those of Patrick Sarsfield, Cllr Daly is committed to bringing his body back to Ireland for a full Military Funeral.

“Lieutenant General Sarsfield is one of Ireland’s most iconic heroes, and the least that we can do for his memory, and indeed his legacy, is to finish the great work that has been started by Alliance Française de Limerick, Dr Loïc Guyon, the late Alexandria Fitzgerald, and so many others,” Cllr Daly said. “The funding deficit is minuscule when compared to the debt that we owe Patrick Sarsfield, and if elected Mayor, I will ensure that it’s the first project added to the Mayoral Programme.”

Cllr Daly was speaking at a Mayoral Reception for Alliance Française de Limerick and Dr Loïc Guyon, who, in addition to working to repatriate Patrick Sarsfield, offer high-quality French language lessons to adults, teenagers, and children across Limerick.

Frankie Daly on the repatriation of Siege of Limerick hero Patrick Sarsfield.


Mayoral Candidate Cll Frankie Daly with current Mayor of the City and County of
Limerick Gerald Mitchell and Dr Loïc Guyon who received a Mayoral Reception this week along with Alliance Française de Limerick.
