Frankie Daly


Frankie Daly Takes Aim with “Mayoral Shopping List”

Independent candidate for Mayor of Limerick, Cllr Frankie Daly, has published a ‘Shopping List’ of projects that he will prioritise if he becomes the first directly elected Mayor of Limerick in June. According to Cllr Daly, the list is a mix of urban and rural projects/issues that he has accumulated during his ten years on the council and on the campaign trail over the past six months.
“During this campaign, a lot of candidates have made promises beyond their abilities in order to convince voters that they’re the ones who can fix our housing and health crisis,” Cllr Daly said. “Yes, I will use the advocacy powers of the Mayor to stand with our TDs and Ministers to fight for the extra beds needed in University Hospital Limerick and the extra affordable houses needed in the city and county. However, the people of Limerick have a shopping list of projects that they have been demanding for years—projects that are pragmatic and achievable for the new Mayor of Limerick.”

There are over 30 projects on Cllr Daly’s Shopping List, including: an FAI Regional Centre of Excellence for Limerick, the upgrade and reopening of Kilmallock train station, the acceleration and promotion of a GAA Centre of Excellence at Patrickswell, a Regional Command Centre under the control of an assistant commissioner for the Midwest, and a roll out of HAPPEE across Limerick City and County (Health Alliances for Practice-based Professional Education and Engagement).

The list also includes an awards pool to “inspire excellence throughout Limerick.” These include Community Pride of Place annual awards (portion of €250k over five years), a Small Business and Start-Up Innovation Award Fund (portion of €250k over five years), and a Sporting Excellence Annual Award (portion of €250k over five years). These will be funded by the Mayoral budget.

Cllr Daly has also included high-priority projects that he will focus on with the creation of “expert-led task forces.”

“As I’ve been saying throughout this election campaign, the job of the Mayor will be bringing stakeholders together for the good of Limerick,” Cllr Daly said. “I have spoken to management in UHL, and they have told me specifically what’s needed to improve services. They need at least 200 additional beds to meet demand, and I see it as the Mayor’s job to create a working group that will identify how the existing Government’s plans for UHL can be expedited and get those beds on the grounds of the hospital as a matter of critical urgency. This is the least that the people can expect from the Mayor when it comes to fighting for the health of all Limerick people.”

Other ‘high-priority’ projects on Cllr Daly’s ‘Shopping List’ include a northern distributor road around Limerick City, the N21 Newcastle West Road Scheme, a reduction in the Hospitality VAT rate to 9%, a zero VAT rate for self-build houses, and a recruitment drive for special needs support services such as occupational and speech and language therapies.

“These are the issues that the people of Limerick really care about, so I wanted to put them on a list and let the people see what they will be voting for,” Cllr Daly said. “This is the list that my success or failure as Mayor will be measured against.”

  Frankie Daly's campaign flyer outlining his mayoral shopping list for Limerick City & County, including community and infrastructure projects.


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