Frankie Daly

About Frankie Daly

Limerick is my home—it’s where I grew up, where I’ve worked, and where I’m raising my family.

Limerick is my home

It’s where I grew up, where I’ve worked, and where I’m raising my family. Growing up in the heart of Ballynanty and Caherdavin really showed me what community means and why it’s important to always lend a hand when someone needs it.

Starting out as a volunteer with Limerick Youth Services to now serving on the City and County Council, I’ve always been about making real changes happen. Sitting on important committees like the Joint Policing Committee and the Limerick Regeneration Committee isn’t just a role for me—it’s about using those opportunities to stand up for what our community needs and making sure our voices are heard.


Trust and Integrity

For more than ten years, I’ve served Limerick with honesty and transparency. I believe in earning your trust, not just through words, but through my actions. Integrity isn’t a fancy word for me; it’s how I do my job. You can see what I’ve been up to—ten solid years of service, always aiming to do what’s best for our community. Not many folks running have this kind of track record. I’m here with the experience, sure, but more importantly, I’m here to serve you, to keep pushing those high standards we all value.

Hard Work and Dedication

I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. Whether it’s new public lighting, safer footpaths, or flood protection projects, my work shows a real commitment to our community. I’ve pushed for big projects like the Limerick Northern Distributor Road, which will help our university grow and bring in more business and jobs. My goal is to make sure Limerick is on the map for all the right reasons.

Listening to You

People say my best quality is my ability to listen, and I believe them. To understand you, I need to hear your stories, whether you live in the heart of the city or out in the countryside. I will listen to your issues, both rural and urban, and I will work with the Council and government to deliver services and resources to resolve them.

A Vision for Our City

Think about the Limerick you want for your family—not just for today, but for tomorrow. I see a Limerick where our city and our small towns are buzzing with life and opportunity. It’s frustrating to see other cities get the spotlight while Limerick gets overlooked. As Mayor, I’ll make sure we get our fair share of the resources and investment we deserve. We need better schools, more playgrounds, and places where we can all come together. I’ll fight to make this a city where your kids and their kids can grow up with hope and opportunities.

We need to focus on the basics, like improving our water infrastructure, to support new homes and community spaces. From better roads to new e-work hubs, I want to build a Limerick where you feel proud to live and work.

Empathy and Understanding

Being a Councillor and a dad, I get it. I live here too, and I know what families go through every day. It’s not just a job for me; it’s personal. I’m here to tackle the real issues—youth unemployment, drug problems, healthcare, and more. As Mayor, I’ll make sure these concerns are at the top of my agenda. I’m committed to working with all the right people to find real solutions that make a difference in your life.


Every poster, every flyer, every event, it’s all out of my own pocket. I don’t take money from big businesses or outside groups. That means when I say I’m working for you, you know I mean it. Why? Because I want to make sure that when I speak, it’s your voice I’m echoing, not some corporation’s.

I’ve always said that being your mayor means putting Limerick first—before any party, before any personal gain. So here’s my promise to you: If I’m elected, I’m here to serve every one of you. No distractions, no divided loyalties – just hard work and a commitment to make Limerick the best it can be.

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