Frankie Daly



It’s a rare chance for us to set our own path. Let’s make it count. So be sure to vote this June, and let’s elect a leader who can deliver these changes.

Directly Elected Mayor

This June, we’re about to make history in Limerick. For the first time ever, our city and county will vote for a Directly Elected Mayor (DEM)—a mayor with real executive powers, not just the ceremonial ones that most other mayors in Ireland have. This is a huge moment for us, because it means we get to choose a leader who can truly make a difference in our community.

Four Years Ago

The Government gave people in Limerick, Dublin, and Cork the chance to vote for a mayor with executive powers. Limerick was the only one to say “Yes, we want this!” Now, it’s our turn to bring that change to life. When you head to the polls in June, you’ll be voting for someone who can make real decisions about housing, transportation, environmental issues, and public safety—decisions that will shape our lives for the next five years.

The new Directly Elected Mayor will have a big job ahead, overseeing a budget of over €1 billion and working with the city and county management teams, as well as the council, to make Limerick a better place to live, work, and raise a family. This new role gives us a direct line to the Cabinet, which means Limerick’s voice will reach the top levels of government.

It’s a rare chance for us to set our own path. Let’s make it count. So be sure to vote this June, and let’s elect a leader who can deliver these changes.

Frankie Daly on the Issues Facing Limerick

Let’s talk about what’s really going on in Limerick and what I plan to do about it.


First up, housing. We’ve got families, young professionals, everyone really, struggling to find good places to live without breaking the bank. We need way more houses, like double what we’re building now. I’m talking 1,500 homes a year at least. The folks supposed to be getting these homes built are dragging their heels, and that’s got to change. I’ll be pushing hard for the funds we need to buy more land and get these houses up, so everyone in Limerick can find a home they can afford.

Law and Order

Next, let’s hit on safety. Low-level crime, drugs, and all sorts of trouble are creeping up, and it’s got folks worried. I’m planning to work with the Gardai and other important stakeholders in law enforcement to boost our police numbers and resources. We’ve got to keep pace with our growing city and make sure everyone feels safe. Plus, I want to beef up programs that stop trouble before it starts, making our streets safer for everyone.


Now, healthcare—our local hospital is swamped and has been for years. It’s a mess, and our government hasn’t stepped up with the cash we need. It’s about time our medical staff got the support they deserve. I’m talking top-notch facilities and the latest gear so that when you or your loved ones need help, you’re not stuck waiting in a hallway. That’s just not right, especially in a country as rich as ours.


Jobs are the backbone of any thriving city, and we’re actually doing alright, attracting new businesses and jobs to Limerick. But there’s always room to grow. As your Mayor, I’d keep the momentum going, making sure we’re a hot spot for new investments and good-paying jobs. That’s how we keep our city vibrant and ensure there’s opportunities for everyone, especially our young people.

Training & Upskilling

Finally, let’s talk about training and jobs. It’s great we’ve got loads of courses here, but not enough folks are signing up. Why’s that? As your Mayor, I’d dive deep to figure out what’s stopping people and find ways to help out, maybe even support folks financially while they train. Everyone deserves a shot at a good job, not just the ones who can afford to learn new skills.


Building a Brighter Future, Together

When I think about what I want for Limerick, it’s pretty straightforward. I want us to be known as the friendliest, most welcoming city around—a place where people genuinely look out for each other and where our streets and parks are as green as they can be. I want us to be a city that’s easy to live in, where you feel safe and where everything you need is right at your doorstep.

I see us growing, too. Not just bigger, but better—bringing in new businesses that fit right into our community, creating jobs, and making our city a place where people from all over want to come study, visit, or set up shop. We’ve already got a fantastic city, but with a bit more effort, we can really make it shine. Let’s show everyone what Limerick is really about.

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