Frankie Daly



Got ideas? Dreams for Limerick? I want to hear them. This campaign is about more than just my vision—it’s about our collective hopes.

How You Can Make a Difference in Limerick

First things first: make sure you can vote. Your vote is incredibly powerful—it’s the very first step in shaping our future together. So, don’t sit on the sidelines this time around. Let’s make sure you’re all set to cast that vote to decide the direction we want Limerick to go.

Join Our Campaign—Your Voice is Crucial

Got ideas? Dreams for Limerick? I want to hear them. This campaign is about more than just my vision—it’s about our collective hopes. Sign up, share your thoughts, this is your chance to really influence what happens in our city.

Spread the Word

Not everyone knows about the Mayoral election, but you can help change that. Talk to your friends, your family, and anyone else who calls Limerick home. Let them know why this election matters and encourage them to get involved too.

Change isn’t just going to happen on its own—it starts with us, right here, right now. Join me and let’s roll up our sleeves for the city that’s given us so much. Together, we can show the world what Limerick can achieve when we unite for the good of our city.


Whether you can give a little time or a lot, every effort counts and your participation is crucial to our success. Here’s how you can make a difference and help our campaign:


Lend Your Skills and Passion

Every hand helps, and your support is invaluable to our campaign. Whether you’re a wizard with social media, love to meet and greet at events, or can help manage some of the behind-the-scenes work, we need you on our team.

Use our simple form to tell us a little about yourself and how you’d like to get involved.


Stay Engaged and Informed

We’d love to see you at one of our events. From town hall meetings where you can voice your concerns, to walkabouts where we gather strength in numbers, your presence makes a difference.

Check out our calendar for upcoming events—come meet Frankie and get involved.


Spread the Word

Your voice is powerful, and we want to make it easy for you to share your support for our campaign. Download our campaign materials and help spread our message across Limerick.

Every Action Counts

Getting involved isn’t just about giving time or money—it’s about believing in a shared vision for Limerick. It’s about standing up for our city and making things happen. Whether you volunteer, show up at an event, or just share our campaign with others, you play a huge role in this journey.

Join me, and let’s turn Limerick into a place we’re all proud to call home.