Frankie Daly

"Farmers need more protection from trespassers"

Candidate for the upcoming Mayoral Election, Cllr Frankie Daly, says that existing laws protecting farmland are ‘toothless’ and that trespassers, particularly those with dogs, should feel the ‘full weight of the law’ if they trespass on a farmer’s land.

‘A recent Farmer’s Journal survey revealed that almost 50% of farmers cited trespassing as the main rural crime issue they are facing,’ Cllr Daly said. ‘At present, if a farmer catches someone on their land, there’s very little they can do about it. If they contact the Gardaí, they are told that officers can only intervene if there is a threat to commit a criminal offence or if criminal damage has been done. If I found someone in my back garden and I called the Gardaí, I assume that person would be arrested on suspicion of burglary – surely farmers should be afforded the same level of security.’

Cllr Daly says that he will use his advocacy powers as Mayor to give Limerick farmers an extra layer of protection from Ireland’s criminal laws.

‘Currently, trespassing is a civil wrong, which means that if a farmer wants to take action against a trespasser, the only recourse open to them is the civil courts – that’s not good enough,’ Cllr Daly stated. ‘I recently met with a farmer who encountered two trespassers with dogs on his land. He approached them, fearing that they were looking for equipment to steal, and he ended up being violently assaulted. The Statute Book needs to be updated to give members of the Gardaí powers to arrest and charge people who trespass on farmers’ land. A farm is a place of work and needs to have the same legal protections as any business or factory.’

Frankie Daly addressing the rural trespassing problem that local farmers face

Cllr Daly noted that of particular concern for farmers were trespassers hunting on their property with dogs. ‘As Mayor, I would immediately create a Working Group comprising the National Parks & Wildlife Service, The Gardaí, the Department of Agriculture, and Limerick City & County Council’s Dog
Warden service so we can start tackling this issue,’ Cllr Daly said. ‘There has been a well-documented increase in illegal hunting taking place all over Ireland leading to worrying incidents of sheep worrying, loss of animals, and attacks on farmers. We also need to respect the mental health of our farmers who have enough to worry about in their industry, without having the fear of trespass, theft, and potential violence.
